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Blog: Utrecht

The land of tulips and festivals. They'll invite you, arrange the accommodation, and better still, they will even pay for your travel expenses. That is, of course, if you don't forget to ask for the bill. So, after successful travel through the whole Germany, just as he was about to change at Frankfurt - refreshed by a frankfurter sausage - to a Dutch train, Marek Dobes (that is "me") realized he had forgotten to ask the taxi-driver for a receipt. Euro is euro and ChH would give anything to cut expenditure. If you know me, you have no doubts that when the black mercedes with the "taxi" sign disappeared among cyclists, I just couldn't capitulate.
I have more than three hours to spend, so I go back to the railway station. It is clear, after all, that the taxi-driver won't leave his profitable pitch by the station for long. First circle around the station - nothing. The second circle - nothing. The third... I can't help but to visit the local video store. A well spent hour. They have everything by Peter Jackson and the special edition of hong-kong movies was also started in this county. I'm leaving with satisfaction. Well, I won't tease you any longer. You can see the scan of the taxi receipt below.

ChH traveled for free and that's how it's supposed to be